Here you will find information that will be helpful to you during the course of your treatment as a patient of Dr. Leder’s, and in general in attending to your healthcare needs.
If you have any additional information that you think could be helpful to us at the office or to fellow patients, please contact us at and let us know about it. We would like this website to serve as a source of relevant information for Northern Jerseyites who share our interest in alternative and holistic approaches to optimal health.
Are your medical symptoms are caused by the foods you eat?
Click here.
The listing of a particular resource on our website does not constitute a referral or endorsement by Dr. Leder or by our office. The listings are provided for informational purposes only.
We always appreciate your feed back on all of the organizations and establishments listed on this site so we can maintain the accuracy and usefulness of the information listed.
To schedule your appointment, please
click here or
call us at: 201-525-1155.